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Screenshot Url

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Screenshot Url

Screenshot Url


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Actor serving as an example of Input Schema. Takes URL of website and screenshot configuration parameters as input and outputs a screenshot of the website into Key-Value store.

Actor - Screenshot URL

Actor serving as an example of Input Schema. Takes URL of website and screenshot configuration parameters as input and outputs a screenshot of the website into Key-Value store.


Input of this actor should be JSON containing filter specification. Allowed filters are:

FieldTypeDescriptionAllowed values
urlStringSearch termAny string value
waitUntilStringWhen should the screenshot be takenOne of:
delayNumberDelay before the screenshot is taken after the waitUntil finishesMinimum: 0, Maximum: 3600000
viewportWidthNumberHow wide should the website and screenshot beMinimum: 100, Maximum: 3840
scrollToBottomBooleanShould the browser scroll to the bottom of the page before taking a screenshottrue/false
delayAfterScrollingNumberSpecify the delay (in milliseconds) after scrolling to the bottom of the page before taking the screenshot. This option is only used if 'Wait for Network Idle After Scrolling' is not enabled.Minimum: 0, Maximum: 3600000
waitUntilNetworkIdleAfterScrollBooleanChoose whether to wait for the network to become idle after scrolling to the bottom of the page before taking a screenshot. If enabled, this option overrides the 'Delay After Scrolling' option.true/false
waitUntilNetworkIdleAfterScrollTimeoutNumberSpecify the maximum wait time (in milliseconds) for the network to become idle after scrolling to the bottom of the page before taking the screenshot, this option is used to make sure handler doesn't get stuck for some pages. This option is only used if 'Wait for Network Idle After Scrolling' is enabled.Minimum: 1000, Maximum: 3600000

For more information about waitUntil parameter please take a look at documentation of Puppeteers page.goto function.


Once the actor finishes, it will output a screenshot of the website into a file called OUTPUT stored in Key-Value store associated with the run.

Community logoMaintained by Community
Actor metrics
  • 2 monthly users
  • 100.0% runs succeeded
  • Modified about 2 months ago

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