Jul 17, 2023
Apify developers' portal gets its own domain
Apify for developers
For sure, you already know our Developers’ portal, a place where you can go from beginner to expert scraper builder with the Web Scraping Academy, join our open-source community, and find information about earning money by building your own actors (no matter if you prefer to work on your own projects, as a freelancer, or be a part of a great team, all options are covered). You can now find it on it’s own domain: developers.apify.com.
Increasing plans limits
Eager to scrape more? We’ve got your back - the FREE plan now comes with 500 Search Engine Results Pages, and 0.5 GB of residential proxy traffic. Plus,the TEAM plan now has 128 GB of actor memory instead of 64 GB. Find out more on our pricing page.
Slack integration
In the last change log, we informed you about the Webhooks tab being renamed to Integrations due to integration diversification. We're excited to finally reveal our new Slack integration!
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SDK 2.3.0 is out
This release should resolve the 0 concurrency bug 🐛 by automatically resetting the internal RequestQueue state after 5 minutes of inactivity.
Actor environment variables documentation
Actor environment variables have new documentation.