Screen URL Duplicate
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Screen URL Duplicate
2 days 3 hours 20 minutes trial then $5.00/month - No credit card required now
Actor serving as an example of Input Schema. Takes URL of website and screenshot configuration parameters as input and outputs a screenshot of the website into Key-Value store.
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Created in Apr 2021
Modified 4 years ago
Actor - Screenshot URL
Actor serving as an example of Input Schema. Takes URL of website and screenshot configuration parameters as input and outputs a screenshot of the website into Key-Value store.
Input of this actor should be JSON containing filter specification. Allowed filters are:
Field | Type | Description | Allowed values |
url | String | Search term | Any string value |
waitUntil | String | When should the screenshot be taken | One of: "load" "domcontentloaded" "networkidle2" "networkidle0" |
delay | Number | Delay before the screenshot is taken after the waitUntil finishes | Minimum: 0, Maximum: 3600000 |
viewportWidth | Number | How wide should the website and screenshot be | Minimum: 100, Maximum: 3840 |
For more information about waitUntil
parameter please take a look at documentation of Puppeteers page.goto function.
Once the actor finishes, it will output a screenshot of the website into a file called OUTPUT stored in Key-Value store associated with the run.